Eric Eriston WinartoREMANENCE (SOLD), 2009Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube in frame65 X 50 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoSNAKE, 2009Oil on canvas30 X 40 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoSNAKE, 2009Oil on canvas30 X 40 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoSNAKE (SOLD), 2009Oil on canvas100 X 80 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoTHE WALL (SOLD), 2009Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube in frame65 X 50 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoWHITE CROW, 2009Oil on canvas40 X 30 cmView more details
Eric Eriston Winarto(SOLD), 2010Oil on canvas40 X 30 cmView more details
Eric Eriston Winarto(SOLD), 2010Oil on canvas40 X 30 cmView more details
Eric Eriston Winarto(SOLD), 2010Oil on canvas65 X 50 cmView more details
Eric Eriston Winarto(SOLD), 2010Oil on canvas30 X 40 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCASTLE, 2010Oil on canvasCirca 50 X 40 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCROWS, 2010Oil on canvas100 X 80 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCROWS, 2010Oil on canvas30 X 60 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACKLIGHT SELVA, 2011Acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACKLIGHT SELVA (SOLD), 2011Acrylic on canvas110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCAVE (SOLD), 2011Acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCORBEAUX ROUGES (SOLD), 2011Oil on canvas110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoLA TEMPÊTE SILENCIEUSE II (SOLD), 2011Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoLA TEMPÊTE SILENCIEUSE III (SOLD), 2011Acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoWHITE HOUSE (SOLD), 2011Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoINSTALLATION, BLACKLIGHT SELVA, CHER, FRANCE, 2012Fluorescent acrylic on assembled panel, blacklight tube300 X 1000 X 50 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoWALLPAINTING, BLACKLIGHT SELVA, CHER, FRANCE , 2012Acyrlic on panel, blacklight tube250 X 150 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACKLIGHT SELVA (SOLD), 2013Acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube220 X 110 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCRISTAUX, 2013Oil on canvas110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoECLIPSE, 2013Oil on canvas110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoFLAME, 2013Oil on canvas110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoINSTALLATION, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND , 2013View more details
Eric Eriston WinartoLARMES DE SAINT LAURENT (SOLD), 2013Oil and acrylic on canvas110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoRED CROW (SOLD), 2013Oil on canvas190 X 160View more details
Eric Eriston WinartoRED CROWS, 2013Oil on canvas150 X 970 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoSAINT ANTOINE (SOLD), 2013Oil on canvas110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACK BIRD (SOLD), 2014Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACK TORNADO, 2014Oil on canvasCirca 200 X 500 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACKLIGHT SELVA ( GALAXY ), 2014Acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube220 X 110 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACKLIGHT SELVA ( GALAXY ), 2014Acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube220 X 110 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACKLIGHT SELVA ( GALAXY ), 2014Acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube220 X 110 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACKLIGHT SELVA ( GALAXY ), 2014Acyrlic on canvas, blacklight tube220 X 110 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACKLIGTH SELVA ( GALAXY ) (SOLD), 2014Acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube220 X 110 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCAVE, 2014Oil on canvasCirca 150 X 75 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCLOUD, 2014Oil on canvasCirca 150 X 75 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoINONDATION, 2014Oil and acrylic on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoINSTALLATION, BLACKLIGHT SELVA ( GALAXY ), PARIS, FRANCE, 2014Fluorescent acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube220 X 110 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoINSTALLATION, WUHAN, CHINA , 2014View more details
Eric Eriston WinartoINSTALLATION, YVERDON-LES-BAINS, SWITZERLAND , 2014View more details
Eric Eriston WinartoMETEOR CAVE, 2014Oil on canvasCirca 150 X 60 cm eachView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoDERBORENCE (SOLD) , 2015Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoEXPLOSION, 2015Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoSNAKE, 2015Oil and acrylic on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoTHE WALL (SOLD), 2015Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoTHREE BIRDS, 2015Oil and acrtylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoWINTER, 2015Acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoAMOUR, 2016Oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoAMOUR ET SACRIFICE, 2016Oil on canvas240 X 180 cm eachView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACK SWAN, 2016Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCHEVREUIL, 2016Oil and oil on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoCHUTE, 2016Oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoDAPHNE, 2016Oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoDREAM, 2016Oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoMELEZE (LARIX DECIDUA), 2016Oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoPHOENIX (SOLD), 2016Oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoSACRIFICE, 2016Oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston Winarto(SOLD), 2017Oil on canvas65 X 50 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoHEART, 2017Oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoEYES, 2018Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoSPY, 2018-2022Oil, pencil, acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston Winarto35327, 2019Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoHERMES, 2019Metallic spray, acrylic, oil on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoSTORM, 2019Metallic spray, acrylic, oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACK CROSS, 2020Diamond dust, acrylic and oil on canvas, blacklight tube110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoRED ROBOT, 2020Oil, fluorescent acrylic, silver spray paint, metallic acrylic, diamond dust paint on canvas, blacklight tube300 X 700 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoTARGET, 2020Diamond dust, acrylic and oil on canvas, blacklight tube110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoTHEODORE ROOSEVELT AND JOHN MUIR, 2020Oil, fluorescent acrylic, spray paint, acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube190 X 700 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoBLACK CROSS, 2021Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoFOUR BOYS, 2021Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoGEORGE EDWIN BERGSTROM, 2021Oil and acrylic on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoIRISH MAN, 2021Oil, acrylic, coloured pencil on canvas, blacklight tube240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoGHOST TORNADO, 2022Backround white acrylic, oil on canvas240 X 180 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoRED FOREST (SOLD), 2022Oil on canvas110 X 220 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoRED HOUSE III, 2022Oil on canvas130 X 240 cmView more details
Eric Eriston WinartoSCHWARZWALD (SOLD), 2022Oil on canvas110 X 220 cmView more details
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